About Us

“The rule of law is essential for the protection of human rights and the establishment of a just society. It is the principle that underpins democracy and ensures that every citizen is treated equally before the law.”

Nelson Mandela

The Story Behind Of Our Movement​

Advocacy for Integrity & Rule of Law Initiative (AIRLIN) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting integrity, transparency, and the rule of law in Nigeria. Established in 2024, AIRLIN works tirelessly to address systemic challenges and advocate for meaningful reforms across various sectors of Nigerian society. Our commitment to these principles stems from a profound belief that they are the cornerstones of a just, equitable, and thriving nation.

Nigeria, with its rich cultural diversity and immense potential, faces significant challenges related to governance, human rights, and legal frameworks. Corruption, lack of access to justice, and electoral malpractice are pervasive issues that undermine the nation’s progress and the well-being of its citizens. AIRLIN was founded in response to these challenges, with the aim of fostering a culture where integrity, accountability, and respect for the rule of law are paramount.

Our organization operates on the belief that sustainable development and social justice can only be achieved when the rule of law is respected and upheld. We engage in a broad range of activities designed to promote these ideals, from advocating for policy reforms and providing legal assistance to marginalized communities, to educating citizens about their rights and responsibilities. By addressing both systemic issues and individual needs, we strive to create an environment where every Nigerian can thrive.

Championing Integrity and Justice: AIRLIN's Vision for a Thriving Nigeria

Gamawa Mohammad Ibrahim


Mohammed Auwal Inuwa


Mohammed Auwal Inuwa


Become A Volunteer

Becoming a volunteer with AIRLIN is a straightforward process designed to ensure that passionate and committed individuals can contribute effectively to our mission. Follow these steps to join our team and make a difference in promoting integrity, accountability, and the rule of law in Nigeria.

Our Volunteer

Your support can make a difference. Whether you are interested in volunteering, partnering with us, or making a donation, there are many ways to get involved and contribute to our mission.

Ava Anderson


Richard Aigner

Volunteer Coor.

Ava Anderson



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